Thursday, March 09, 2006


On Mar 8, 2006, at 9:13 PM, rick wrote:

Question: is a recumbent bicycle suitable on the VCT, or is it best
to go with a mountain bike??

Posted by rick to Virginia Creeper Trail at 3/08/2006 09:13:47 PM

Well Rick,
I've never ridden a recumbent bike (other than a stationary one at
the gym) so I'm perhaps not the best to answer this from firsthand
knowledge. You might want to call one of the local bike shops like
the Virginia Creeper Bike Shop here in Abingdon (276-676-2552) if you
want to speak to someone with firsthand experience. I can tell you,
however, that the trail is pretty smooth and has a cinder base in
most places. It's certainly more boulevard than single-track and I
know that many upright bikes of non-mountain variety are on it every
day. Good luck and enjoy the trail

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